Traversing a graph
Alejandro Morales
Centre for Crop Systems Analysis - Wageningen University
In this guide we will see how to address one possible situation where there is need to traverse a graph to accumulate information in a relational manner. The key idea in this example is that a given node of a graph requires accumulated information from all the descendent nodes of a particular type. This pattern shows up in many different contexts such as (i) calculating the probability of bud break as affected by apical dominance (without explict simulation of hormone transport) or (ii) the pipe model (where the cross-sectional area of a stem at a given point is proportional to the leaf area above that point).
This problem can be solved in a number of ways, which differ in terms of complexity and performance:
- Relational query: For every target node, query the graph for all the descendent nodes of
a particular type and accumulate the information. This does not require any change to the rewriting rules and allows for complex relationships (see tutorials for examples).
- Annotated topology: Assign each target node and descendents with a level tag such that
we can reconstruct later all the descendents of a particular node (i.e., all nodes of the same level or higher). This requires a change to the rewriting rules to add the level tag but the traversal is simple as we simply extract all the relevant nodes from the graph and perform the logic outside of the graph by filtering for different tag levels.
- Ad-hoc traversal: Use the
functions to write an
ad-hoc traversal algorithm. Since the accumulation must happen in reverse (from the leaf nodes towards the root node), the ad-hoc function needs to be written in a recursive manner, most likely keeping its own stack of nodes. This is the most complex solution but also (potentially) the most efficient one as no nodes need to be extracted and each graph is visited exactly once.
To illustrate all these approaches, let's create a simple graph that represents the essence of the problem. We are going to assume to types of nodes (A
and B
), where the target nodes are of type A
and the descendents of interest include both types. The information to be accumulated is a simple integer that we will call state
. The result of accumulating the states will be stored in the value
. We also add the level
tag for second approach. The types are defined in a module as usual:
using VirtualPlantLab
import GLMakie
module TravTypes
import PlantGraphs: Node
export A, B
@kwdef mutable struct A <: Node
value::Float64 = 0.0
state::Float64 = 0.0
level::Int = 0
@kwdef struct B <: Node
state::Float64 = 0.0
level::Int = 0
using .TravTypes
# Function that generates the arguments to create a node
fill(level) = (level = level, state = rand())
# Motif of the graph (`;fill(l)...` is equivalent to typing `level = l, state = rand()`)
motif(l) = A(;fill(l)...) + (B(;fill(l)...), B(;fill(l)...) + (B(;fill(l)...), B(;fill(l)...)))
# Create the graph by repeating the motif 10 times
axiom = motif(1)
for i in 2:10
axiom += motif(i)
We specialize darw()
to include the level tag and the state of each node when we draw the graph. Remember that this can be achieved by defining methods for node_label()
for each type of node.
PlantGraphs.node_label(node::A, id) = "A: $(node.level) - $(round(node.value, digits = 2))"
PlantGraphs.node_label(node::B, id) = "B: $(node.level)"
g = Graph(axiom = axiom)
Relational queries
The first approach is to use relational queries to accumulate the information as a side-effect. Note that we do not actually return the nodes as that is not required, we simple use the query mechanism to access the context of each node so that we can traverse the graph in a relational manner.
We could also implement this logic inside a rule if the computation performed for each node would affect whether a particular rule needs to be triggered or not (for example, if we were calculating the probability of a lateral bud breaking).
First, we construct the function that will be used to accumulate the information and modify the node in-place as a side-effect. We then return the nodes.
function accumulate(node)
# Extract the first child and put it into a stack
stack = [children(node)...]
state = 0.0
while !isempty(stack)
# Pop the last child from the stack
child = pop!(stack)
# Accumulate the state
state += data(child).state
# Add the children of the child to the stack
if has_children(child)
for child in children(child)
push!(stack, child)
data(node).value = state
return true
# We not construct the query object and apply it
q = Query(A, condition = accumulate)
apply(g, q)
Annotated topology
In the second approach, we assign a level tag to each node so that we can reconstruct the descendents of a particular node. We already incorporated this when constructing the axiom, so here we simply extract the nodes and perform the accumulation based on on those level tags. The queries are very simply, as we just extract all nodes of a given type.
qA = Query(A)
qB = Query(B)
nodesA = apply(g, qA)
nodesB = apply(g, qB)
Now we construct a table that will store the accumulated information for each level as a dictionary. We know that the total number of levels is equal to the number of A
accum = zeros(length(nodesA))
The logic now is to add the state
of each A
or B
node to all the levels that are equal or lower (we treat the positions in the array accum
as the levels). We can then assign these values to the value
field of the A
nodes. Note how for A
nodes we need to avoid adding the state
of the node that defines the level (hence the 1:level-1
) since only descendents should be used.
for node in nodesB
level = node.level
accum[1:level] .+= node.state ## Add node.state to elements 1:level
for node in nodesA
level = node.level
level > 1 && (accum[1:level-1] .+= node.state)
for node in nodesA
node.value = accum[node.level]
Ad-hoc traversal
Work in progress