Messages in scene

In VPL it is possible to generate different scenes from the same graph or collection of graphs. This is achieved by passing a message to the feed! methods when creating the Scene object. A message is any object (of any type) assigned to the keyword argument message inside any Scene() method. Within a feed! method, the message can be from the turtle object (first argument of the method call) as turtle.message (assuming the object is named turtle). Examples of cases when messages can be used include:

  • Differentiating between geometry needed for visualization and for ray tracing (e.g. we may want to include roots in the visualization but not in the ray tracing).

  • Changing the color associated to some geometry (e.g. we may want to color the leaves of a plant based on the amount of light they receive).

  • Changing the geometry based on the message (e.g. we may want a higher level of realism for visualization that for ray tracing to reduce computational costs).

Let's illustrate how to use messages with a simple example. We will modify the Tree tutorial to allow for visualizing. Below is all the code for the tree model excluding the feed! methods

using VirtualPlantLab
using ColorTypes
import GLMakie

# Data types
module TreeTypes
    import VirtualPlantLab
    # Meristem
    struct Meristem <: VirtualPlantLab.Node end
    # Bud
    struct Bud <: VirtualPlantLab.Node end
    # Node
    struct Node <: VirtualPlantLab.Node end
    # BudNode
    struct BudNode <: VirtualPlantLab.Node end
    # Internode (needs to be mutable to allow for changes over time)
    Base.@kwdef mutable struct Internode <: VirtualPlantLab.Node
        length::Float64 = 0.10 ## Internodes start at 10 cm
    # Leaf
    Base.@kwdef struct Leaf <: VirtualPlantLab.Node
        length::Float64 = 0.30 ## Leaves are 20 cm long
        width::Float64  = 0.2 ## Leaves are 10 cm wide
    # Graph-level variables
    Base.@kwdef struct treeparams
        growth::Float64 = 0.1
        budbreak::Float64 = 0.25
        phyllotaxis::Float64 = 140.0
        leaf_angle::Float64 = 30.0
        branch_angle::Float64 = 45.0

# Rules
meristem_rule = Rule(TreeTypes.Meristem, rhs = mer -> TreeTypes.Node() +
                                              (TreeTypes.Bud(), TreeTypes.Leaf()) +
                                         TreeTypes.Internode() + TreeTypes.Meristem())

function prob_break(bud)
    # We move to parent node in the branch where the bud was created
    node =  parent(bud)
    # We count the number of internodes between node and the first Meristem
    # moving down the graph
    check, steps = has_descendant(node, condition = n -> data(n) isa TreeTypes.Meristem)
    steps = Int(ceil(steps/2)) ## Because it will count both the nodes and the internodes
    # Compute probability of bud break and determine whether it happens
    if check
        prob =  min(1.0, steps*graph_data(bud).budbreak)
        return rand() < prob
    # If there is no meristem, an error happened since the model does not allow
    # for this
        error("No meristem found in branch")
branch_rule = Rule(TreeTypes.Bud,
            lhs = prob_break,
            rhs = bud -> TreeTypes.BudNode() + TreeTypes.Internode() + TreeTypes.Meristem())

# Graph
axiom = TreeTypes.Internode() + TreeTypes.Meristem()
tree = Graph(axiom = axiom, rules = (meristem_rule, branch_rule), data = TreeTypes.treeparams())

# Growth functions
getInternode = Query(TreeTypes.Internode)
function elongate!(tree, query)
    for x in apply(tree, query)
        x.length = x.length*(1.0 + data(tree).growth)
function growth!(tree, query)
    elongate!(tree, query)

# Simulation
function simulate(tree, query, nsteps)
    new_tree = deepcopy(tree)
    for i in 1:nsteps
        growth!(new_tree, query)
    return new_tree

There are three types of nodes that require geometry: Leaf, Internode, and BudNode, though the latter only adds the insertion angle for the branches. In the example below we will use the message to select whether to visualize the leaves or not. This would be useful if we want to visualize the branching structure of a tree with a dense canopy (to make it more meaningful we make the leaves bigger than in the original example). Note how, even when we don't generate internodes we still need to modify the state of the turtle to ensure the correct positioning of the leaves.

# Insertion angle for the bud nodes
function VirtualPlantLab.feed!(turtle::Turtle, b::TreeTypes.BudNode, vars)
    # Rotate turtle around the arm for insertion angle
    ra!(turtle, -vars.branch_angle)

# Create geometry + color for the internodes
function VirtualPlantLab.feed!(turtle::Turtle, i::TreeTypes.Internode, vars)
    # Rotate turtle around the head to implement elliptical phyllotaxis
    rh!(turtle, vars.phyllotaxis)
    # Generate the internode or move the turtle forward
    if turtle.message == "leaves"
        f!(turtle, i.length)
        HollowCylinder!(turtle, length = i.length, height = i.length/15, width = i.length/15,
                    move = true, colors = RGB(0.5,0.4,0.0))
    return nothing

# Create geometry + color for the leaves
function VirtualPlantLab.feed!(turtle::Turtle, l::TreeTypes.Leaf, vars)
    # Bypass geometry if only internodes are being rendered
    turtle.message == "internodes" && return nothing
    # Rotate turtle around the arm for insertion angle
    ra!(turtle, -vars.leaf_angle)
    # Generate the leaf
    Ellipse!(turtle, length = l.length, width = l.width, move = false,
             colors = RGB(0.2,0.6,0.2))
    # Rotate turtle back to original direction
    ra!(turtle, vars.leaf_angle)
    return nothing

We can now generate a simulation:

newtree = simulate(tree, getInternode, 15)

For a visualization of both leaves and internodes we can actually leave the message empty given how the code above is structured:

mesh = Mesh(newtree);
render(mesh, axes = false)

For only leaves:

mesh = Mesh(newtree, message = "leaves");
render(mesh, axes = false)

And for only internodes:

mesh = Mesh(newtree, message = "internodes");
render(mesh, axes = false)