How to setup a grid cloner

In many FSP models, users want to simulate a large field of plants, but it is not computationally feasible to do so. Instead, a reduced number of representative plants in a plot are simulated. However, this can introduce border effects when simulating plant-environment interactions (for example when computing light interception). The goal of the grid cloner is to reduce this border effect when computing light interception by cloning the entire 3D scene along the different axes by a distance specified by the user (in each direction).

The grid cloner is implemented using object instancing from ray tracing. This approach will affect the position of the ray as if it was intersecting a cloned scene adjacent to the original one, thus still reusing the original mesh. For example, if the scene is replicated along the x-axis at a distance of 1, the ray will be translated a distance of -1 along the x-axis to check for intersections with that clone. Thus, no extra memory is required to store the clones.

Conceptually, this grid cloner is similar to using periodic boundaries on the sides of the bounding box of the scene. The main differences are that (i) the grid cloner only allows a finite number of clones (periodic boundaries could be, in theory, infinite) and (ii) the bounding boxes of clones may overlap. The latter feature accounts for the fact that the root and shoot systems of plants may overlap in the field.

In the most common scenario, the user is simulating a field of plants with a regular spacing between plants (e.g., defined by distance between rows and within rows). In this case, the recommended way to create the grid cloner is as follows:

  • The clones should be created at multiples of these distances.

  • The rows should be aligned with the x- or y-axis.

  • Soil and sensor tiles should not extend more than half the distance between or within rows along each axis.

In this canonical setup, the clones will overlap if the shoot or root systems of the border plants extend beyond the midpoint between or within rows, but the soil/sensor tiles will not overlap. The latter is important as otherwise calculations of light interception by such tiles will be incorrect.


Load the dependencies

using VirtualPlantLab
import ColorTypes: RGB
import GLMakie

A plant will be represented by a simple cylinder located at different points in a grid. We create the grid given the recommendations in the above. Using this template ensures that the scene has the proper dimensions while still scaling with the number of plants and rows:

dx = 2.0
dy = 0.5
nrows = 10
nplants = 10
origins = [Vec(i,j,0) for i = dx/2:dx:(nrows - 0.5)dx, j = dy/2:dy:(nplants - 0.5)dy];

We create a simple plant placeholder defined by a stem and a single long leaf:

struct Plant <: Node end
function VirtualPlantLab.feed!(turtle::Turtle, plant::Plant, data)
    HollowCylinder!(turtle, move = true, colors = RGB(0.63, 0.63, 0.63), length = 2.0,
                    width = 0.25, height = 0.25)
    rh!(turtle, rand()*360.0)
    ra!(turtle, rand()*90.0)
    Rectangle!(turtle, colors = RGB(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), length = 3.0, width = 0.2)
    return nothing
axiom(origin) = T(origin) + Plant()
plants = [Graph(axiom = axiom(origin)) for origin in origins];

We will also add several soil tiles to the scene. Each tile will correspond to a single plant and thus represent the spacing allocated to each plant given the planting pattern. We will not use a graph for these tiles but rather create them manually using available primitives and transformations (note how we shift the tile along the x axis to center it on the plant!):

function create_tile(p, dx, dy)
    tile = Rectangle(length = dx, width = dy)
    rotatey!(tile, pi/2)
    VirtualPlantLab.translate!(tile, p .+ Vec(-dx/2, 0.0, 0.0))
    return tile
tiles = vec([create_tile(origin, dx, dy) for origin in origins]);

Now we can combine the plants and tiles into a single mesh. We randomize the color of each tile to help identify them in the visualization:

plant_mesh = Mesh(vec(plants));
soil_mesh = Mesh()
for tile in tiles
    add!(soil_mesh, tile, colors = RGB(rand(), rand(), rand()))
mesh = Mesh([plant_mesh, soil_mesh]);

We can also visualize the bounding boxes of a mesh (and any clone). If we just want the box for the original mesh, we can create a grid with no clones. The build the acceleration object (which includes the grid cloner) and add it to the 3D rendering:

rt_settings = RTSettings(nx = 0, ny = 0)
acc_one = accelerate(mesh, settings = rt_settings);

We can see that bounding box extends to the tips of the leaves, as they grow beyond the soil area allocated to the plant. If we now create multiple clones of this mesh, we should displace them by a distance of 10dx along the x-axis and 10dy along the y-axis. This will ensure that the soil tiles of clones do not overlap but the plants will. In other words, we emulate additional rows and plants within rows while respecting the same spacing between them:

rt_settings = RTSettings(nx = 1, ny = 1, dx = 10dx, dy = 10dy)
acc = accelerate(mesh, settings = rt_settings);

We can now add all the bounding boxes of the clones to the mesh:


We can see that the bounding boxes of the clones overlap, as expected. Currently there is no way in VPL to visualize the actual clones (since that additional geometry is never actually generated, see details about instancing above). We can do this manually by manually changing the meshes of the mesh using the method VirtualPlantLab.translate!. We add the bounding box of the original mesh too:

meshes = Mesh[]
for i in -10:10
    for j in -10:10
        new_mesh = deepcopy(mesh)
        VirtualPlantLab.translate!(new_mesh, Vec(i*10dx, j*10dy, 0.0))
        push!(meshes, new_mesh)
render(Mesh(meshes), axes = false)
render!(acc_one.grid, alpha = 0.8)

Because of the random color scheme, we can visually check that the soil tiles do not overlap and that the distance within and between rows is respected across clones. Effectively, this is a visualization of what the ray tracer "sees" in the simulations. Effectively, each plant in the original scene is cloned multiple times and the absorbed power from all these clones is aggregated. However, the light sources are not being duplicated, those are still defined by the original scene (which is located in the center of the grid).