Retrieving absolute coordinates
Alejandro Morales
Centre for Crop Systems Analysis - Wageningen University
In VPL, a turtle graphics approach is used to generate 3D geometry from graphs. In this approach, geometry is generated locally relative to the current position and orientation of the so-called turtle (inside feed!()
methods specialized for each type of node by the user). However, sometimes it is required to obtain the absolute coordinates and orientation of a mesh in the scene. For example, the user may want to assign nitrogen levels to a leaf based on its absolute position inside the canopy by assuming a particular canopy nitrogen profile. Or we may want to know the angle of a branch with respect to the horizontal plane (e.g., when studying gravitropism).
In this little guide we will show how to extract this information from the turtle inside the feed!()
method so that users can make use of this information. We will also show how to retrieve the absolute coordinates of the triangles both from the turtle, a mesh or a scene.
Extracting state of the turtle
The turtle is defined by its position and three axes: arm
, up
and head
. The directions defined by these vectors correspond to the width
, height
(if present) and length
of geometry primitives. These geometry primitives are generated in front of the turtle, starting at its current position. If a geometry primitive is added to the turtle using the argument move = true
, the turtle will move a distance length
along the head
axis. From this information one can retrieve several properties of the generated geometry (e.g., its center, orientation, etc.).
To retrieve the state of the turtle we use the methods pos
, arm
, up
and head
. Let's illustrate this with a modified version of the Tree tutorial where we will calculate the location and inclination angle (with respect to the horizontal plane) of each leaf.
Let's start with the definition of the types required to build a tree:
using VirtualPlantLab
using ColorTypes: RGB
import GLMakie
using Plots
import Random: seed!
import Statistics: mean
using StatsPlots
module TreeTypes
import VirtualPlantLab as VPL
# Meristem
struct Meristem <: VPL.Node end
# Bud
struct Bud <: VPL.Node end
# Node
struct Node <: VPL.Node end
# BudNode
struct BudNode <: VPL.Node end
# Internode (needs to be mutable to allow for changes over time)
Base.@kwdef mutable struct Internode <: VPL.Node
length::Float64 = 0.10 # Internodes start at 10 cm
# Leaf
Base.@kwdef mutable struct Leaf <: VPL.Node
length::Float64 = 0.20 # Leaves are 20 cm long
width::Float64 = 0.1 # Leaves are 10 cm wide
height::Float64 = 0.0 # Height of the center of the leaf
angle::Float64 = 0.0 # Angle of the leaf with respect to the horizontal plane
# Graph-level variables
Base.@kwdef struct treeparams
growth::Float64 = 0.1
phyllotaxis::Float64 = 140.0
leaf_angle::Float64 = 30.0
branch_angle::Float64 = 45.0
import .TreeTypes
We now define the feed!()
methods for each type of node. Inside these methods we will calculate the absolute height and inclination angle of each leaf and store it inside the corresponding leaf node
function VirtualPlantLab.feed!(turtle::Turtle, i::TreeTypes.Internode, vars)
# Rotate turtle around the head to implement elliptical phyllotaxis
rh!(turtle, vars.phyllotaxis)
HollowCylinder!(turtle, length = i.length, height = i.length/15, width = i.length/15,
move = true, colors = RGB(0.5,0.4,0.0))
return nothing
# Create geometry + color for the leaves
function VirtualPlantLab.feed!(turtle::Turtle, l::TreeTypes.Leaf, vars)
# Rotate turtle around the arm for insertion angle
ra!(turtle, -vars.leaf_angle)
# Extract the position of the turtle and the head vector
t_pos = pos(turtle)
t_head = head(turtle)
# The center of the leaf is length/2 in front of the turtle
center = t_pos .+ 0.5*l.length*t_head
l.height = center[3] # Height is the z-coordinate of the center
# The inclination angle of the leaf is the same as the zenith angle of the up vector
# This is given by the arc-cosine of the vertical component
l.angle = acos(up(turtle)[3])*180/π # Convert to degrees
l.angle = l.angle > 90 ? 180.0 - l.angle : l.angle # Correct for the angle being > 90
# Now we generate the leaf
Ellipse!(turtle, length = l.length, width = l.width, move = false,
colors = RGB(0.2,0.6,0.2))
# Rotate turtle back to original direction
ra!(turtle, vars.leaf_angle)
return nothing
# Insertion angle for the bud nodes
function VirtualPlantLab.feed!(turtle::Turtle, b::TreeTypes.BudNode, vars)
# Rotate turtle around the arm for insertion angle
ra!(turtle, -vars.branch_angle)
We can see that the location and inclination of the leaf is calculated from the turtle's state inside the feed!()
method and store in the leaf node as a side effect. This is important as we will not have updated information about the leaves until the scene is generated. Let's now add the rules for the tree growth (we ignore the more complex bud break rule that was used in the original tutorial and just break each bud with a probability of 25% assuming an uniform distribution):
meristem_rule = Rule(TreeTypes.Meristem,
rhs = mer -> TreeTypes.Node() +
(TreeTypes.Bud(), TreeTypes.Leaf()) +
TreeTypes.Internode() + TreeTypes.Meristem())
branch_rule = Rule(TreeTypes.Bud,
lhs = bud -> rand() <= 0.25,
rhs = bud -> TreeTypes.BudNode() + TreeTypes.Internode() + TreeTypes.Meristem())
axiom = TreeTypes.Internode() + TreeTypes.Meristem()
We add a function to grow the internodes over time:
function elongate!(tree)
query = Query(TreeTypes.Internode)
for x in apply(tree, query)
x.length = x.length*(1.0 + data(tree).growth)
And a query to extract the position and inclination of the leaves:
function leaf_info(tree)
query = Query(TreeTypes.Leaf)
heights = Float64[]
angles = Float64[]
for l in apply(tree, query)
push!(heights, l.height)
push!(angles, l.angle)
return heights, angles
We can now grow the tree:
function growth!(tree)
And a simulation for n
steps is achieved with a simple loop that returns the final tree and the heights and angles of the leaves throughout the simulation:
function simulate(n)
# Initialize the tree
tree = Graph(axiom = axiom, rules = (meristem_rule, branch_rule),
data = TreeTypes.treeparams())
# Run simulation
for i in 1:n
Mesh(tree) # Generate the mesh to trigger feed!() methods
heights, angles = leaf_info(tree)
return tree, heights, angles
We can now run the simulation:
tree, heights, angles = simulate(25);
We can check how the final tree looks like:
And we can plot the distribtuion of leaf heights and angles:
density(heights, bandwidth = 1, trim = true)
density(angles, bandwidth = 5, trim = true)
We can see that the distribution of leaves over height is not uniform but rather there is a higher density of leaves towards the middle of the tree. This is an emergent pattern of the developmental rules and growth parameters defined in the model. Similarly, the angle distribution is not uniform bur rather skewed towards more vertical leaves. This is a result of the insertion angles of leaves and branches defined in the model.
Note that in this example we are calculating the center and inclination angle of the leaf explicitly from the turtle's state. This is possible because the shape of the leaf is relatively simple. A more general approach is to extract the mesh from the scene and calculate the center and orientation of the leaf from the triangles. We will show how to do this in the next section.
Extracting triangles
In VPL, all geometry is represented by triangular meshes. A mesh may be created by an user by calling any of the primitive constructors within VPL (e.g., Rectangle!()
) or by any alternative code that generates a mesh and added using the Mesh!()
method. This means that the turtle will internally store a single triangular mesh that combines all the geometry generated so far. This will be passed on to the scene and (when relevant) merged with other meshes.
One possible approach is to generate the mesh inside the feed!()
method without adding it to the turtle, extracting all the information needed and then adding the mesh to the turtle. In order to implement this we just need to modify the feed!()
method for the leaves as follows:
# Create geometry + color for the leaves
function VirtualPlantLab.feed!(turtle::Turtle, l::TreeTypes.Leaf, vars)
# Rotate turtle around the arm for insertion angle
ra!(turtle, -vars.leaf_angle)
# We generate the leaf without adding it to the turtle -> just remove the "!"
# And don't include colors or materials
e = Ellipse(turtle, length = l.length, width = l.width, move = false)
# Compute the center of the leaf
verts = vertices(e) # Extract all vertices (vector of vertices)
zs = getindex.(verts, 3) # Extract z-coordinate of each vertex
l.height = mean(zs) # Average height of the leaf
# Compute the inclination angle of the leaf (zenith of normal = inclination of plane)
n = normals(e)[1] # All triangles will have the same normal so one suffices
l.angle = acos(n[3])*180/π
l.angle = l.angle > 90 ? 180.0 - l.angle : l.angle # Correct for the angle being > 90
# Add the leaf to the turtle (important to do transform = false, deepcopy = false)
Mesh!(turtle, e, colors = RGB(0.2,0.6,0.2), transform = false, deepcopy = false)
# Rotate turtle back to original direction
ra!(turtle, vars.leaf_angle)
return nothing
We can now run the simulation:
tree, heights2, angles2 = simulate(25);
And confirm that we get the same tree:
length(angles) == length(angles2)
The heights are the same:.
density(heights2, bandwidth = 1, trim = true, label="Triangles")
density!(heights, bandwidth = 1, trim = true, label = "Turtle")
The angles are also the same (makes sense since the normals of the triangles are the same as the up vector of the turtle):
density(angles2, bandwidth = 5, trim = true, label="Triangles")
density!(angles, bandwidth = 5, trim = true, label = "Turtle")