Turtle Geometry

Public API

OR(head::Vec, up::Vec, arm::Vec)

Node that orients a turtle to a new direction by re-defining the local reference system.


Node that rotates a turtle around arm axis. Angle must be in hexadecimal degrees and the rotation is clockwise.


Node that rotates a turtle around head axis. Angle must be in hexadecimal degrees and the rotation is clockwise.


Node that rotates a turtle around up axis. Angle must be in hexadecimal degrees and the rotation is clockwise.


Rotates the turtle towards the Z axis. See documentation for rv! for details.

Turtle(Float64, message)

Create a meshing turtle that can convert a Graph into a 3D mesh using turtle operators, geometry primitives and methods of feed!(). By default, the meshing turtle will generate geometry primitives with double floating precision (Float64) but it is possible to generate a version with lower precision as in Turtle(Float32). The argument message is any user-defined object.

Mesh!(turtle, m::Mesh; scale = Vec(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), move = false, transform = true,
      deepcopy = true, kwargs...)

Feed a pre-existing mesh to a turtle (with optional transformation).


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the mesh to.
  • m: The pre-existing unscaled mesh in standard position and orientation.
  • scale: Vector with scaling factors for the x, y and z axes.
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).
  • transform: Whether to to transform the mesh according to the turtle's position and orientation the scaling vector provided by the user.
  • deepcopy: Whether to make a deep copy of the mesh before feeding it to the turtle.
  • kwargs: Properties to be set per triangle in the mesh.


A pre-existing mesh will be scaled (acccording to scale), rotate so that it is oriented in the same direction as the turtle and translated so that the mesh is generated in front of the turtle. A deep copy of the original mesh is made prior to any transformation.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to height.

There are two expected use cases for this function:

  1. When the user defines a reference mesh that is used to generate multiple instances of the same mesh with different scales at transformations. An example would be an ad-hoc mesh that represents the shape of a leaf. In this case, the user wants to set transform = true and deepcopy = true.

  2. When the user generates a mesh using a primitive function that takes the turtle as argument, performs some operations on that mesh (e.g., calculating area, coordinates of the center, etc) and then feed that mesh into the turtle. In this case, the user wants to set transform = false (because the transformation was alread applied) and probably also deepcopy = false because the deepcopy is an unnecessary cost.


Returns nothing but modifies the turtle as a side effect.


julia> import PlantGeomPrimitives as PG

julia> e = PG.Ellipse();

julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> Mesh!(turtle, e, scale = PG.Vec(2.0, 2.0, 2.0));
f!(turtle, dist)

Move turtle forward a given distance.


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> f!(turtle, 2.0);
feed!(turtle::Turtle, collection::AbstractArray)
feed!(turtle::Turtle, collection::Tuple)

Feed a turtle an array or tuple of objects (collection) with existing feed!() methods.

feed!(turtle::Turtle, g::Graph)

Process a Graph object with a turtle and generate the corresponding 3D mesh from executing the different feed!() methods associated to the nodes in the graph.

feed!(turtle::Turtle, node::Node, vars = nothing)

Default method for feed!() that does not do anything. This allows the user to include nodes in a graph without an associated geometry.

feed!(turtle::Turtle; mesh::Mesh; kwargs...)

General purpose method to feed a mesh to a turtle together with color and material. Note that all primitives provided by VPL are implemented as meshes, but this is a generic method for meshes that are constructed directly by the user or imported from external software.

or!(turtle; head = Z(), up = X(), arm = Y())

Orient a turtle to a new direction by re-defining the local reference system. The arguments head, up and arm should be of type Vec.


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> using PlantGeomPrimitives

julia> or!(turtle, head = Y(), up = Z(), arm = X());
ra!(turtle, angle)

Rotates a turtle around arm axis. Angle must be in hexadecimal degrees and the rotation is clockwise.


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> ra!(turtle, 45.0);
rh!(turtle, angle)

Rotate turtle around head axis. Angle must be in hexadecimal degrees and the rotation is clockwise.


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> rh!(turtle, 45.0);
ru!(turtle, angle)

Rotates a turtle around up axis. Angle must be in hexadecimal degrees and the rotation is clockwise.


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> ru!(turtle, 45.0);
rv!(turtle, strength)

Rotates the turtle towards the Z axis. The angle of rotation is proportional to the cosine of the zenith angle of the turtle (i.e., angle between its head and the vertical axis) with the absolute value of strength being the proportion between the two. strength should vary between -1 and 1. If strength is negative, the turtle rotates downwards (i.e., towards negative values of Z axis), otherwise upwards.


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> ra!(turtle, 45.0);

julia> rv!(turtle, 0.5);
set!(turtle; to = O(), head = Z(), up = X(), arm = Y())

Set position and orientation of a turtle. The arguments to, head, up and arm should be of type Vec and be passed as keyword arguments.


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> using PlantGeomPrimitives

julia> set!(turtle, to = O(), head = Y(), up = Z(), arm = X());
t!(turtle; to = O())

Translate a turtle to the new position to (a Vec object).


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> using PlantGeomPrimitives

julia> t!(turtle, to = Y(1.0));


Private functions, types or constants from PlantGeomTurtle. These are not exported, so you need to prefix the function name with PlantGeomTurtle. to access them. Also bear in mind that these are not part of the public API, so they may change without notice.

Mesh(graph, Float64)

Create a mesh from a Graph object (g). By default, double floating precision will be used (Float64) but it is possible to generate a version with a different precision by specifying the corresponding type as in Scene(g, Float32).

Mesh(turtle, m::Mesh; scale = Vec(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), move = false)

Scale a pre-existing mesh by using the turtle's state.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the mesh to.
  • m: The pre-existing unscaled mesh in standard position and orientation.
  • scale: Vector with scaling factors for the x, y and z axes.
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).


A pre-existing mesh will be scaled (acccording to scale), rotate so that it is oriented in the same direction as the turtle and translated so that the mesh is generated in front of the turtle. A deep copy of the original mesh is made prior to any transformation.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to height.


Returns a triangular mesh (object of type Mesh).


julia> import PlantGeomPrimitives as PG

julia> e = PG.Ellipse();

julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> ne = Mesh!(turtle, e, scale = PG.Vec(2.0, 2.0, 2.0));
Mesh(graphs, Float64; parallel = false, message = nothing)

Create a mesh for rendering from an array of Graph objects (graphs). The graphs may be processed serially (default) or in parallel using multithreading (parallel = true). By default, double floating precision will be used (Float64) but it is possible to generate a version with a different precision by specifying the corresponding type as in Mesh(graphs, Float32).

Ellipse!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, n = 20, move = false, kwargs...)

Generate an ellipse in front of a turtle and feed it to a turtle.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the ellipse to.
  • length: Length of the ellipse.
  • width: Width of the ellipse.
  • n: Number of triangles of the mesh approximating the ellipse (an integer).
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).
  • kwargs: Properties to be set per triangle in the mesh.


A triangle mesh will be generated with n triangles that approximates an ellipse. The ellipse will be generated in front of the turtle, on the plane defined by the arm and head axes of the turtle. The argument length refers to the axis of the ellipse aligned with the head axis of the turtle, whereas width refers to the orthogonal axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to length.


Returns nothing but modifies the turtle as a side effect.


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> Ellipse!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 0.5, n = 40);
Ellipse(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, n = 20, move = false)

Generate an ellipse in front of a turtle and return it.


  • turtle: The turtle which state is used to create the ellipse.
  • length: Length of the ellipse.
  • width: Width of the ellipse.
  • n: Number of triangles of the mesh approximating the ellipse (an integer).
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).


A triangle mesh will be generated with n triangles that approximates an ellipse. The ellipse will be generated in front of the turtle, on the plane defined by the arm and head axes of the turtle. The argument length refers to the axis of the ellipse aligned with the head axis of the turtle, whereas width refers to the orthogonal axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to length.


Returns a triangular mesh (object of type Mesh).


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> e = Ellipse(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 0.5, n = 40);
HollowCone!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 1.0, n = 20, move = false, kwargs...)

Generate a hollow cone in front of the turtle and feed it to a turtle.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the hollow cone to.
  • length: Length of the ellipse at the base of the hollow cone.
  • width: Width of the ellipse at the base of the hollow cone.
  • height: Height of the hollow cone.
  • n: Number of triangles in the mesh.
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).
  • kwargs: Properties to be set per triangle in the mesh.


A mesh will be generated with n triangles that approximate the hollow cone. The cone will be generated in front of the turtle, with the base on the plane defined by the arm and up axes of the turtle, centered at the head axis. The length argument refers to the up axis, whereas width refers to the arm axis and height is associated to the head axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to height.


Returns nothing but modifies the turtle as a side effect.


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> HollowCone!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 1.0);
HollowCone(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 1.0, n = 20, move = false)

Generate a hollow cone in front of the turtle and return it.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the hollow cone to.
  • length: Length of the ellipse at the base of the hollow cone.
  • width: Width of the ellipse at the base of the hollow cone.
  • height: Height of the hollow cone.
  • n: Number of triangles in the mesh.
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).


A mesh will be generated with n triangles that approximate the hollow cone. The cone will be generated in front of the turtle, with the base on the plane defined by the arm and up axes of the turtle, centered at the head axis. The length argument refers to the up axis, whereas width refers to the arm axis and height is associated to the head axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to height.


Returns a triangular mesh (object of type Mesh).


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> HollowCone!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 1.0);
HollowCube!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 1.0, move = false, kwargs...)

Generate a hollow cube in front of the turtle and feed it to a turtle.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the hollow cube to.
  • length: Length of the rectangle at the base of the hollow cube.
  • width: Width of the rectangle at the base of the hollow cube.
  • height: Height of the hollow cube.
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).
  • kwargs: Properties to be set per triangle in the mesh.


A mesh will be generated of a hollow cube. The cube will be generated in front of the turtle, with the base on the plane defined by the arm and up axes of the turtle, centered at the head axis. The length argument refers to the up axis, whereas width refers to the arm axis and height is associated to the head axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to height.


Returns nothing but modifies the turtle as a side effect.


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> HollowCube!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 2.0);
HollowCube(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 1.0, move = false)

Generate a hollow cube in front of the turtle and return it.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the hollow cube to.
  • length: Length of the rectangle at the base of the hollow cube.
  • width: Width of the rectangle at the base of the hollow cube.
  • height: Height of the hollow cube.
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).


A mesh will be generated of a hollow cube. The cube will be generated in front of the turtle, with the base on the plane defined by the arm and up axes of the turtle, centered at the head axis. The length argument refers to the up axis, whereas width refers to the arm axis and height is associated to the head axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to height.


Returns a triangular mesh (object of type Mesh).


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> c = HollowCube(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 2.0);
HollowCylinder!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 1.0, n = 40, move = false, kwargs...)

Generate a hollow cylinder in front of the turtle and feed it to a turtle.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the hollow cylinder to.
  • length: Length of the ellipse at the base of the hollow cylinder.
  • width: Width of the ellipse at the base of the hollow cylinder.
  • height: Height of the hollow cylinder.
  • n: Number of triangles in the mesh (must be even).
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).
  • kwargs: Properties to be set per triangle in the mesh.


A mesh will be generated with n triangles that approximate the hollow cylinder. The cylinder will be generated in front of the turtle, with the base on the plane defined by the arm and up axes of the turtle, centered at the head axis. The length argument refers to the up axis, whereas width refers to the arm axis and height is associated to the head axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to height.

The material object must inherit from Material (see ray tracing documentation for detail) and the color can be any type that inherits from Colorant (from ColorTypes.jl).


Returns nothing but modifies the turtle as a side effect.


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> HollowCylinder!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 2.0, n = 40);
HollowCylinder(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 1.0, n = 40, move = false)

Generate a hollow cylinder in front of the turtle and return it.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the hollow cylinder to.
  • length: Length of the ellipse at the base of the hollow cylinder.
  • width: Width of the ellipse at the base of the hollow cylinder.
  • height: Height of the hollow cylinder.
  • n: Number of triangles in the mesh (must be even).
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).


A mesh will be generated with n triangles that approximate the hollow cylinder. The cylinder will be generated in front of the turtle, with the base on the plane defined by the arm and up axes of the turtle, centered at the head axis. The length argument refers to the up axis, whereas width refers to the arm axis and height is associated to the head axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to height.


Returns a triangular mesh (object of type Mesh).


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> c = HollowCylinder(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 2.0, n = 40);
HollowFrustum!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 1.0, n = 40, move = false, kwargs...)

Generate a hollow frustum in front of the turtle and feed it to a turtle.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the hollow frustum to.
  • length: Length of the ellipse at the base of the hollow frustum.
  • width: Width of the ellipse at the base of the hollow frustum.
  • height: Height of the hollow frustum.
  • n: Number of triangles in the mesh (must be even).
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).
  • kwargs: Properties to be set per triangle in the mesh.


A mesh will be generated with n triangles that approximate the hollow frustum. The frustum will be generated in front of the turtle, with the base on the plane defined by the arm and up axes of the turtle, centered at the head axis. The length argument refers to the up axis, whereas width refers to the arm axis and height is associated to the head axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to height.


Returns nothing but modifies the turtle as a side effect.


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> HollowFrustum!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 2.0, n = 40);
HollowFrustum(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 1.0, n = 40, move = false)

Generate a hollow frustum in front of the turtle and return it.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the hollow frustum to.
  • length: Length of the ellipse at the base of the hollow frustum.
  • width: Width of the ellipse at the base of the hollow frustum.
  • height: Height of the hollow frustum.
  • n: Number of triangles in the mesh (must be even).
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).


A mesh will be generated with n triangles that approximate the hollow frustum. The frustum will be generated in front of the turtle, with the base on the plane defined by the arm and up axes of the turtle, centered at the head axis. The length argument refers to the up axis, whereas width refers to the arm axis and height is associated to the head axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to height.


Returns a triangular mesh (object of type Mesh).


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> f = HollowFrustum(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 2.0, n = 40);
Rectangle!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, move = false, kwargs...)

Generate a rectangle in front of the turtle and feed it to a turtle.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the rectangle to.
  • length: Length of the rectangle.
  • width: Width of the rectangle.
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).
  • kwargs: Properties to be set per triangle in the mesh.


A triangle mesh will be generated representing the rectangle. The rectangle will be generated in front of the turtle, on the plane defined by the arm and head axes of the turtle. The argument length refers to the axis of the rectangle aligned with the head axis of the turtle, whereas width refers to the orthogonal axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to length.


Returns nothing but modifies the turtle as a side effect.


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> Rectangle!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 0.5);
Rectangle(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, move = false)

Generate a rectangle in front of the turtle and and return it.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the rectangle to.
  • length: Length of the rectangle.
  • width: Width of the rectangle.
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).


A triangle mesh will be generated representing the rectangle. The rectangle will be generated in front of the turtle, on the plane defined by the arm and head axes of the turtle. The argument length refers to the axis of the rectangle aligned with the head axis of the turtle, whereas width refers to the orthogonal axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to length.


Returns a triangular mesh (object of type Mesh).


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> r = Rectangle(turtle; length = 2.0, width = 1.0);
SolidCone!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 1.0, n = 40, move = false, kwargs...)

Generate a solid frustum in front of the turtle and feed it to a turtle.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the solid cone to.
  • length: Length of the ellipse at the base of the solid cone.
  • width: Width of the ellipse at the base of the solid cone.
  • height: Height of the solid cone.
  • n: Number of triangles in the mesh (must be even).
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).
  • kwargs: Properties to be set per triangle in the mesh.


A mesh will be generated with n triangles that approximate the solid cone. The cone will be generated in front of the turtle, with the base on the plane defined by the arm and up axes of the turtle, centered at the head axis. The length argument refers to the up axis, whereas width refers to the arm axis and height is associated to the head axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to height.


Returns nothing but modifies the turtle as a side effect.


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> SolidCone!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 2.0, n = 40);
SolidCone(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 1.0, n = 40, move = false)

Generate a solid frustum in front of the turtle and return it.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the solid cone to.
  • length: Length of the ellipse at the base of the solid cone.
  • width: Width of the ellipse at the base of the solid cone.
  • height: Height of the solid cone.
  • n: Number of triangles in the mesh (must be even).
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).


A mesh will be generated with n triangles that approximate the solid cone. The cone will be generated in front of the turtle, with the base on the plane defined by the arm and up axes of the turtle, centered at the head axis. The length argument refers to the up axis, whereas width refers to the arm axis and height is associated to the head axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to height.


Returns a triangular mesh (object of type Mesh).


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> c = SolidCone(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 2.0, n = 40);
SolidCube!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 1.0, move = false, kwargs...)

Generate a solid cube in front of the turtle and feed it to a turtle.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the solid cube to.
  • length: Length of the rectangle at the base of the solid cube.
  • width: Width of the rectangle at the base of the solid cube.
  • height: Height of the solid cube.
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).
  • kwargs: Properties to be set per triangle in the mesh.


A mesh will be generated of a solid cube. The cube will be generated in front of the turtle, with the base on the plane defined by the arm and up axes of the turtle, centered at the head axis. The length argument refers to the up axis, whereas width refers to the arm axis and height is associated to the head axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to height.


Returns nothing but modifies the turtle as a side effect.


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> SolidCube!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 2.0);
SolidCube(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 1.0, move = false)

Generate a solid cube in front of the turtle and return it.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the solid cube to.
  • length: Length of the rectangle at the base of the solid cube.
  • width: Width of the rectangle at the base of the solid cube.
  • height: Height of the solid cube.
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).


A mesh will be generated of a solid cube. The cube will be generated in front of the turtle, with the base on the plane defined by the arm and up axes of the turtle, centered at the head axis. The length argument refers to the up axis, whereas width refers to the arm axis and height is associated to the head axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to height.


Returns a triangular mesh (object of type Mesh).


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> c = SolidCube(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 2.0);
SolidCylinder!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 1.0, n = 80, move = false, kwargs...)

Generate a solid cylinder in front of the turtle and feed it to a turtle.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the solid cylinder to.
  • length: Length of the ellipse at the base of the solid cylinder.
  • width: Width of the ellipse at the base of the solid cylinder.
  • height: Height of the solid cylinder.
  • n: Number of triangles in the mesh (must be even).
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).
  • kwargs: Properties to be set per triangle in the mesh.


A mesh will be generated with n triangles that approximate the solid cylinder. The cylinder will be generated in front of the turtle, with the base on the plane defined by the arm and up axes of the turtle, centered at the head axis. The length argument refers to the up axis, whereas width refers to the arm axis and height is associated to the head axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to height.


Returns nothing but modifies the turtle as a side effect.


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> SolidCylinder!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 2.0, n = 80);
SolidCylinder(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 1.0, n = 80, move = false)

Generate a solid cylinder in front of the turtle and return it.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the solid cylinder to.
  • length: Length of the ellipse at the base of the solid cylinder.
  • width: Width of the ellipse at the base of the solid cylinder.
  • height: Height of the solid cylinder.
  • n: Number of triangles in the mesh (must be even).
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).


A mesh will be generated with n triangles that approximate the solid cylinder. The cylinder will be generated in front of the turtle, with the base on the plane defined by the arm and up axes of the turtle, centered at the head axis. The length argument refers to the up axis, whereas width refers to the arm axis and height is associated to the head axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to height.


Returns a triangular mesh (object of type Mesh).


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> c = SolidCylinder(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 2.0, n = 80);
SolidFrustum!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 1.0, n = 80, move = false, kwargs...)

Generate a solid frustum in front of the turtle and feed it to a turtle.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the solid frustum to.
  • length: Length of the ellipse at the base of the solid frustum.
  • width: Width of the ellipse at the base of the solid frustum.
  • height: Height of the solid frustum.
  • n: Number of triangles in the mesh (must be even).
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).
  • kwargs: Properties to be set per triangle in the mesh.


A mesh will be generated with n triangles that approximate the solid frustum. The frustum will be generated in front of the turtle, with the base on the plane defined by the arm and up axes of the turtle, centered at the head axis. The length argument refers to the up axis, whereas width refers to the arm axis and height is associated to the head axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to height.


Returns nothing but modifies the turtle as a side effect.


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> SolidFrustum!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 2.0, n = 80);
SolidFrustum(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 1.0, n = 80, move = false)

Generate a solid frustum in front of the turtle and return it.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the solid frustum to.
  • length: Length of the ellipse at the base of the solid frustum.
  • width: Width of the ellipse at the base of the solid frustum.
  • height: Height of the solid frustum.
  • n: Number of triangles in the mesh (must be even).
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).


A mesh will be generated with n triangles that approximate the solid frustum. The frustum will be generated in front of the turtle, with the base on the plane defined by the arm and up axes of the turtle, centered at the head axis. The length argument refers to the up axis, whereas width refers to the arm axis and height is associated to the head axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to height.


Returns a triangular mesh (object of type Mesh).


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> f = SolidFrustum(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, height = 2.0, n = 80);
Trapezoid!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, ratio = 1.0, move = false, kwargs...)

Generate a trapezoid in front of the turtle and feed it to a turtle.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the trapezoid to.
  • length: Length of the trapezoid.
  • width: Width of the base of the trapezoid.
  • ratio: Ratio between the width of the top and base of the trapezoid.
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).
  • kwargs: Properties to be set per triangle in the mesh.


A triangle mesh will be generated representing the trapezoid. The trapezoid will be generated in front of the turtle, on the plane defined by the arm and head axes of the turtle. The argument length refers to the axis of the trapezoid aligned with the head axis of the turtle, whereas width refers to the orthogonal axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to length.


Returns nothing but modifies the turtle as a side effect.


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> Trapezoid!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, ratio = 0.5);
Trapezoid(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, ratio = 1.0, move = false)

Generate a trapezoid in front of the turtle and return it.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the trapezoid to.
  • length: Length of the trapezoid.
  • width: Width of the base of the trapezoid.
  • ratio: Ratio between the width of the top and base of the trapezoid.
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).


A triangle mesh will be generated representing the trapezoid. The trapezoid will be generated in front of the turtle, on the plane defined by the arm and head axes of the turtle. The argument length refers to the axis of the trapezoid aligned with the head axis of the turtle, whereas width refers to the orthogonal axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to length.


Returns a triangular mesh (object of type Mesh).


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> t = Trapezoid(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, ratio = 0.5);
Triangle!(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, move = false, kwargs...)

Generate a triangle in front of the turtle and feed it to a turtle.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the triangle to.
  • length: Length of the triangle.
  • width: Width of the triangle.
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).
  • kwargs: Properties to be set per triangle in the mesh.


A triangle mesh will be generated representing the triangle. The triangle will be generated in front of the turtle, on the plane defined by the arm and head axes of the turtle. The argument length refers to the axis of the triangle aligned with the head axis of the turtle, whereas width refers to the orthogonal axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to length.


Returns nothing but modifies the turtle as a side effect.


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> Triangle!(turtle; length = 2.0, width = 1.0);
Triangle(turtle; length = 1.0, width = 1.0, move = false)

Generate a triangle in front of the turtle and and return it.


  • turtle: The turtle that we feed the triangle to.
  • length: Length of the triangle.
  • width: Width of the triangle.
  • move: Whether to move the turtle forward or not (true or false).


A triangle mesh will be generated representing the triangle. The triangle will be generated in front of the turtle, on the plane defined by the arm and head axes of the turtle. The argument length refers to the axis of the triangle aligned with the head axis of the turtle, whereas width refers to the orthogonal axis.

When move = true, the turtle will be moved forward by a distance equal to length.


Returns a triangular mesh (object of type Mesh).


julia> turtle = Turtle();

julia> t = Triangle(turtle; length = 2.0, width = 1.0);