Public API
— MethodAreaSource(mesh)
Create an area irradiance source geometry given a triangular mesh.
julia> using PlantGeomPrimitives
julia> e = Ellipse();
julia> source_geom = AreaSource(e);
— TypeAvgSplit(minN, maxL)
Rule to be used in RayTracer
when acceleration = BVH
. It will divide each node along the longest axis through the mean coordinate value. The rule is parameterized by the minimum number of triangles in a leaf node (minN
) and the maximum depth of the tree (maxL
julia> rule = AvgSplit(1,5);
— TypeBVH(gbox, nodes, tris, ids)
Construct a Bounding Volume Hierarchy around the triangular meshes to accelerate the ray tracer. This should be assigned to the argument acceleration
in the RayTracer
function, in combination with a corresponding rule
— TypeBlack(nw::Int)
Create a black material object to store power for nw
wavelengths. See VPL documentation for details.
julia> b = Black(1);
julia> b = Black(3);
— TypeFixedSource(dir)
FixedSource(θ, Φ)
Create a fixed irradiance source by given a vector with the direction of the rays (dir) or zenith (θ) and azimuth (Φ) angles.
julia> source_dir = FixedSource(0.0, 0.0);
julia> import PlantGeomPrimitives as PG
julia> source_dir = FixedSource(PG.Vec(0.0, 0.0, -1.0));
— MethodLambertian(;τ = 0.0, ρ = 0.0)
Create a Lambertian
material object from the values of transmittance (τ
) and reflectance (ρ
). When more than one wavelength is being simulated, a tuple of values should be passed for each optical property (as in τ = (0.1,0.2)
julia> l = Lambertian(τ = 0.1, ρ = 0.2);
julia> l = Lambertian(τ = (0.1, 0.45), ρ = (0.2, 0.45));
— TypeLambertianSource(x, y, z)
Create a Lambertian irradiance source angle by given a local coordinate system as three separate Vec
objects representing the axes (x, y, z) or as tuple containing the three axes. Rays will be generated towards the hemisphere defined by the z
direction. See VPL documentation for details on irradiance sources.
julia> import PlantGeomPrimitives as PG
julia> source_dir = LambertianSource(PG.X(), PG.Y(), PG.Z());
julia> source_dir = LambertianSource((PG.X(), PG.Y(), PG.Z()));
— TypeLineSource(p, line)
Create a line irradiance source geometry given an origin (p
) and a segment (line
) both specified as vector of Cartesian coordinates (Vec(x, y, z)
). This will create a line source between the points p
and p .+ line
julia> import PlantGeomPrimitives as PG
julia> source_geom = LineSource(PG.Vec(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), PG.Y());
— TypeNaive(tris::Vector{Triangle{FT}}, ids::Vector{Int}, rule) where {FT}
Wrap the scene into a global bounding box (no acceleration), given the triangles in a scene, the ids linking each triangle to the corresponding material objects. The argument rule
is left for compatibility with BVH
, it does not do anything.
julia> using PlantGeomPrimitives
julia> tris = PlantRayTracer.Triangle(Ellipse());
julia> ids = repeat([1], length(tris));
julia> Naive(tris, ids);
— TypeNaive
Allow to run the ray tracer without an acceleration structure. This should be assigned to the argument acceleration
in the RayTracer
— MethodPhong(;τ = 0.0, ρd = 0.0, ρsmax = 0.0, n = 2)
Create a Phong
material object from the values of transmittance (τ
) diffuse reflectance (ρd
), maximum Phong specular reflectance (ρsmax
) and n
is the specular exponent that controls the "Phong reflectance lobe". When more than one wavelength is being simulated, a tuple of values should be passed for each optical property (as in τ = (0.1, 0.3)
julia> p = Phong(τ = 0.1, ρd = 0.2, ρsmax = 0.5);
julia> p = Phong(τ = (0.1, 0.45), ρd = (0.2, 0.45), ρsmax = (0.5, 0.5));
— TypePointSource(vec)
Create a point irradiance source geometry at given 3D location vec
, defined as vector of Cartesian coordinates (Vec(x, y, z)
julia> import PlantGeomPrimitives as PG
julia> source_geom = PointSource(PG.Vec(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
— TypeRTSettings(;verbose = true, parallel = false, pkill = 0.2, maxiter = 2,
sampler = Random.Xoshiro(123456789), nx = 3, ny = 3, nz = 0, dx = 0.0,
dy = 0.0, dz = 0.0)
Settings for the ray tracer:
indicates if the ray tracer will print warnings and other information.parallel
indicates if the raytracer will run on a single core or make use of multiple
cores in the machine based on Julia's multithreading support. pkill
is the probably that a ray is terminated by the Russian roulette after it has been scattered a maxiter
number of times (this excludes interactions with materials of type Sensor
is the pseudo-random number generator to be used by the ray tracer.nx
are the number of times the mesh will be cloned by the grid cloner in each
direction along the x and y axis (e.g., setting nx = 1
and ny = 1
will generate a grid of 3 x 3 clones of the original mesh), whereas dx
and dy
will be distance at which each new clone will be generated (along the axis).
is the number of times the mesh will be cloned in the vertical direction. Unlike
horizontal cloning, the vertical cloning is always done in the positive direction of z
axis and the number of clones will be exactly nz
See VPL documentation for more details on the ray tracer.
julia> RTSettings(parallel = true, maxiter = 3);
— TypeRayTracer(mesh, materials, sources, settings)
Create a ray tracer object from an acceleration structure built around a 3D mesh, a grid cloner structure around the acceleration structure (mesh
), a vector of materials associated to the mesh (materials
), a vector of sources of irradiance (sources
) and settings. (as generated by RTSettings()
). See VPL documentation for more details on the ray tracer.
— MethodRayTracer(mesh, sources; settings = RTSettings(), acceleration = Naive, rule = nothing)
Create a RayTracer
object from a mesh, a tuple of sources (objects that inherit from Source
), or a single source, settings and acceleration function (choose from Naive
or BVH
). The argument rule
is only required for the accelerator BVH
and it must be an object of type SAH
or AvgSplit
(it is ignored for the Naive
julia> using PlantGeomPrimitives;
julia> mesh = Ellipse();
julia> mat = Lambertian(τ = 0.1, ρ = 0.2);
julia> add_property!(mesh, :materials, [mat for _ in 1:ntriangles(mesh)]);
julia> source = DirectionalSource(mesh, θ = 0.0, Φ = 0.0, radiosity = 1.0, nrays = 1_000);
julia> rt = RayTracer(mesh, source);
julia> sources = (DirectionalSource(mesh, θ = 0.0, Φ = 0.0, radiosity = 1.0, nrays = 1_000),
DirectionalSource(mesh, θ = 45.0, Φ = 0.0, radiosity = 1.0, nrays = 1_000));
julia> rt = RayTracer(mesh, sources);
— TypeSAH{K}(minN, maxL)
Rule to be used in RayTracer
when acceleration = BVH
. It will divide each node at the axis and location using the Surface Area Heuristics. To speed up the construction, only K
cuts will be tested per axis. These cuts will correspond to the quantiles along each axis. The rule is parameterized by the minimum number of triangles in a leaf node (minN
) and the maximum depth of the tree (maxL
julia> rule = SAH{3}(1,5);
— TypeSensor(nw::Int)
Create a sensor material object to store power for nw
wavelengths. A sensor material will let rays pass through without altering the direction or irradiance. They will also not count for the total number of ray iterations.
julia> s = Sensor(1);
julia> s = Sensor(3);
— MethodSource(geom, angle, power::Number, nrays)
Source(geom, angle, power::Tuple, nrays)
Create an irradiance source given a source geometry, a source angle, the power per ray and the total number of rays to be generated from this source. When simulating more than one wavelength simultaneously, a tuple of power values should be given, of the same length as in the materials used in the scene. See VPL documentation for details on source geometries and source angles.
julia> import PlantGeomPrimitives as PG
julia> source_geom = PointSource(PG.O());
julia> source_dir = FixedSource(0.0, 0.0);
julia> Source(source_geom, source_dir, 1.0, 1_000);
— TypeTwoSidedSensor(nw::Int)
Create a sensor material object to store power for nw
wavelengths. A two-sided sensor material will let rays pass through without altering the direction or irradiance. They will also not count for the total number of ray iterations. The accumulated power is stored separately for rays hitting on the front and back side of the sensor.
julia> s = TwoSidedSensor(1);
julia> s = TwoSidedSensor(3);
— MethodDirectionalSource(box::AABB; θ, Φ, radiosity, nrays)
DirectionalSource(mesh::Mesh; θ, Φ, radiosity, nrays)
Create a Directional source (including geometry and angle components) by providing an axis-aligned bounding box (box
) or an Mesh
object as well as the zenith (θ
) and azimuth (Φ
) angles, the radiosity of the source projected on the horizontal plane and the number of rays to be generated. Directional sources may generate incorrect results in the absence of a grid cloner that extends the mesh. This is because the rays are generated from the upper face of the mesh's bounding box. See VPL documentation for details on light sources.
julia> using PlantGeomPrimitives;
julia> mesh = Ellipse();
julia> source = DirectionalSource(mesh, θ = 0.0, Φ = 0.0, radiosity = 1.0, nrays = 1_000);
— Methodaccelerate(mesh::Mesh; settings = RTSettings(), acceleration = Naive, rule = nothing)
Create an AccMesh
object from a mesh, settings and acceleration function (choose from Naive
or BVH
). The argument rule
is only required for the accelerator BVH
and it must be an object of type SAH
or AvgSplit
(it is ignored for the Naive
accelerator). The AccMesh
object contains the acceleration structure and the grid cloner structure built on top of the original 3D meshes in mesh
. See VPL documentation for details.
julia> using PlantGeomPrimitives;
julia> mesh = Ellipse();
julia> acc = accelerate(mesh);
— Methodget_nw(rt::RayTracer)
Retrieve the number of wavelengths being simulated by the ray tracer. See VPL documentation for more details on the ray tracer.
julia> using PlantGeomPrimitives;
julia> mesh = Ellipse();
julia> mat = Lambertian(τ = 0.1, ρ = 0.2);
julia> add_property!(mesh, :materials, [mat for _ in 1:ntriangles(mesh)]);
julia> source = DirectionalSource(mesh, θ = 0.0, Φ = 0.0, radiosity = 1.0, nrays = 1_000);
julia> rt = RayTracer(mesh, source);
julia> get_nw(rt)
— Methodget_nw(s::Source)
Retrieve the number of wavelengths that rays from a source will contain.
julia> using PlantGeomPrimitives;
julia> mesh = Ellipse();
julia> source = DirectionalSource(mesh, θ = 0.0, Φ = 0.0, radiosity = 1.0, nrays = 1_000);
julia> get_nw(source);
— Methodpower(material::Material)
Extract the power stored inside a material.
julia> l = Lambertian(τ = 0.1, ρ = 0.2);
julia> power(l);
— Methodpower(material::TwoSidedSensor; front = true)
Extract the power stored inside a two sided material. ```
— Methodreset!(material::Material)
Reset the power stored inside a material back to zero
julia> l = Lambertian(τ = 0.1, ρ = 0.2);
julia> l.power[1] = 10.0;
julia> reset!(l);
julia> l;
— Methodrho(vals...)
Generate values of reflectivity to be used in material object. vals...
is a list of one or more comma-separated values, corresponding to the different wavelengths/wavebands to be simulated in a ray tracer.
julia> rho(1.0, 0.0, 2.0);
— Methodtau(vals...)
Generate values of transmisivity to be used in material object. vals...
is a list of one or more comma-separated values, corresponding to the different wavelengths/wavebands to be simulated in a ray tracer.
julia> tau(1.0, 0.0, 2.0);
— Methodtrace!(rt)
Run the ray tracing simulations. This function will overwrite the power
component of any material object that is included in the mesh. It returns the total number of rays being traced (primary and secondary) without including interactions with Sensor
objects (first value returned) or including interactions with Sensor
objects (second value returned). See VPL documentation for more details on the ray tracer.
julia> using PlantGeomPrimitives;
julia> mesh = Ellipse();
julia> mat = Lambertian(τ = 0.1, ρ = 0.2);
julia> add_property!(mesh, :materials, [mat for _ in 1:ntriangles(mesh)]);
julia> source = DirectionalSource(mesh, θ = 0.0, Φ = 0.0, radiosity = 1.0, nrays = 1_000);
julia> rt = RayTracer(mesh, source);
julia> trace!(rt);
Private functions, types or constants from PlantRayTracer
. These are not exported, so you need to prefix the function name with PlantRayTracer.
to access them. Also bear in mind that these are not part of the public API, so they may change without notice.
— MethodTriangle(p1::Vec, p2::Vec, p3::Vec)
Create a ray tracing Triangle
object given the three vertices p1
, p2
and p3
julia> using PlantGeomPrimitives
julia> t = PlantRayTracer.Triangle(Vec(1.0, 0.0, 1.0), Vec(0.0, 1.0, .0), Vec(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));
— MethodTriangle()
Create a ray tracing Triangle
object with default vertices (unit vectors in each axis).
julia> t = PlantRayTracer.Triangle();
— MethodTriangle(mesh::Mesh)
Create a vector of ray tracing Triangle
objects from a Mesh
julia> using PlantGeomPrimitives;
julia> e = Ellipse();
julia> t = PlantRayTracer.Triangle(e);